Creative Brand Strategy - P3: Campaign or Event Branding

27/05/2020 - 08/07/2020 (Week 07 - Week 13)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)
Creative Brand Strategy - Project 3 : Campaign or Event Branding


No lecture.


Module Information Booklet (MIB)

PROJECT 3: Campaign or Event Branding

Sketches and progress: 

Pitch Deck presentation slides:

Final Outcome


Week 7: P2 A The strategy has been well planned out. Reduce some merchandise that are not the main appliances for the event. As for poster, do one main poster would be enough.
Week 8: The logo looks fine and Ms Low suggested that I could try placing the leaf at the edge of the alphabet. The illustrations workshop is approved but for the other are not communicating the activities of the event. Ms Low sent me some references that I could take inspired from. Week 9: Illustration for workshop and socializing corner is approved. As for other illustrations need to work on more. Suggested to try having the character not communicating and looking directly to audiences.
Week 10: Poster is looking fine. The typography, Bambi Bold, suggested to use another font that has more variation to use. The illustration is all approved and can proceed to finish the last 2 activities. Instagram posts so far so good, continue to work on other appliances after the illustrations are all drawn out. As for the idea for animation, Ms Low suggested that have just a bit of movement for the character.
Week 11: Suggested to attach directory to map because there is no purpose for participants to use it, or perhaps could change it to a timetable.

Week 12: The stickers are ok. As for the t-shirt, try look for mock ups that are not 3D, flat one will do. Consider to have a staff tag or staff t-shirt. Social media posts are just ok, could try using different graphic elements from my illustration onto the posts.

Week 13: The sequence for animated poster looks ok, so I could proceed to execute the animation. Social media posts looking better now, but the text size need to be enlarged. As for staff t-shirt looks ok, could try include your event name at the back, so viewer will know the person wearing the t-shirt is from the event. For the map, try applying lager type size for the info and try reducing the size of the dotted line, make the gap between dots more closer. After I have sent Ms Low my final outcome of the poster gif, she said the action looks just ok.

Week 14: The communicative of concept & design direction can be improve by highlighting the big idea—“Journaling”, “A note to self” on giving care to the environment. Overall design applications can be improve by applying the visual with mock-up images, to make the outcome more visually appealing. You will need to learn utilize design language in analytical way, observe good design by not only seeing how it looks good, but also asking why it looks good. Try to read more art & design articles whenever you have time, reading helps sharpen creative thinking. Keep up your good learning attitude, you will improve as long as you don’t give up.


Through this project I have experience on how to executing our designs. In addition, this semester due to lock down, we were explaining and presenting our progress. This is a good experience on using online platform to go through the whole semester. Although we might have some technical issue occurred but overall issues were settled. During the process of project 3, I learned how to come out a completely new event and it was interesting because I have never done this before. I believe that, as usual everyone get to experience final week panic as we have to cope with lot of assignments well in the same time.

I have observed my course mates' artwork I found our class has various designs, and aesthetic idea, which is very good because we can learn from each other. 

I found that my weakness is the attempts I tried when I was progressing the outcome. I hope that when we go out to the field I could handle the time well so that I can invest more time in the design progress. 


Breakthrough Branding
by Catherine Kaputa

The Creative Brief
Before you start the creative process for your branding, advertising, and marketing programs, take a page from the marketing playbook and develop a creative brief. The creative brief is the bible for creative development, whether it's designing the product packaging, creating a website, or doing a digital marketing campaign. The creative brief defines your brand idea and its DNA so that you and the creative people working on a specific mar- keting project will be inspired to develop the right brand image visually, verbally, and emotionally.

With a creative brief in hand, you'll be able to give good direction, and that in itself will set you apart from other entrepreneurs and most market- ers, for that matter. Most business owners and marketers don't give good directions for creative development. They need a logo, a digital marketing campaign, or a new print ad, yet they don't provide much information about the brand or insight about its customers or what the competitive dynamics are like.

As they say in the advertising business, you can only be as good as your client, so if you, as a client, don't give good direction, you won't get good creative work and you won't get breakthrough branding. You can write the creative brief yourself or have one of your marketing people do it for you. But even if you have someone else do it, stay involved to make sure the creative brief and the work is on target and reflects your vision for the brand.

Many people think creativity is a magical process. Yet, the reality is that great creative work comes from great strategic direction, and that is usually a process ofreduction. You need to simplify the brand to its essence, to what is crucial and authentic, and doing a creative brief is a great way to force yourself to crystallize your thinking.

You need to give good direction because very few creative people can develop advertising or marketing home runs out of thin air. All good creative work conveys a core truth about the brand, its customers, or the category, and that can only come about through clear prepping and good direction.

On the other hand, you don't want to give creative people a one-hundred-page research report and say, "This will tell you everything about the brand and the industry." (It's happened to me more than once.) Nor do you want to give creative people too many rules about what can and cannot be done creatively for the brand.

You need to inspire creative people with good insight and direction but not provide so much that they feel stifled creatively. And you need to get everyone on the same page so that all your branding, marketing, and communication are unified around your brand idea, and your promise statement captures what's different and relevant about your brand for its customers. No matter what people see or where they see it, everything about your brand must be in sync.


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