Creative Brand Strategy - P2: Ideation and Positioning

15/04/2020 - 20/05/2020 (Week 01 - Week 06)

Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)
Creative Brand Strategy - Project 2 : Ideation and Positioning

week 5 : 13/05/2020
This week we were given lecture on how to present our idea and mood board, and brand positioning.  

week 6 : 20/05/2020
Today Ms Low has shown us some examples of other event executed their designs creatively on different applications.


Module Information Booklet (MIB)

PROJECT 2A: Ideation

Week 1

Symbolic images (week 1)

Week 2

Symbolic images (week 2)

Around week 4 to week 5, we have briefly discussed the way we work on our mood board. So Ms Low has given us some references and tips on how to better present our ideas with research on slide and this has been very helpful for me throughout the idea executing. So that when I would not go off track or too far while I am executing the designs.


Week 2: The first part of the case study presentation was a bit lengthy, so next time try to manage the presentation time well. The evolution of the poster was well explained. As for the notes from Ms Low, slide 16 - 18 good observation on the evolution of the visual identity, but lack of critical analysis. Brand Vision and mission need to be more specified. Clarity on presentation need to be improved.

Week 3: For Project 1B draft slide, there is no main activity of the event. Look for visual references to support the idea. As for the brand objectives, it looks more like event features.

Week 4: [Slide 8 & 9] The core subject - 'Green Culture' was not comprehensively explained. Most of the visual references taken to describe the activities and the venue/location are captured from Innisfree's Playgreen campaign, which was held in South Korea, the climate and the weather is perfect for outdoor activity during spring and autumn, but it will be unrealistic in Malaysia. Take the advantage of your familiarity with Innisfree's PLaygreen campaign, consider having your proposal be strategized as organising 'Playgreen' in Malaysia by adopting their Brand Story and Value. Your challenge will be looking for an idea venue, which is most likely indoor or half-indoor and localize the context of the activities. Please study how the activities can actually help the audiences to understand what is Green Culture. (Notes : Increase the type size of your size to enhance legibility. Presentation time exceeded 15 mins.)
Week 5: As for the moodboard, the illustration and the concept of the theme does showcase clearly in the moodboard. Note from Ms Low: visual idea – human figure illustrations with note book grid background. tagline: #todogreen / #notetoself Week 6: P2 B As for P2B, it has improved. For the competitors part, choose a event that has similar brand identity instead of choosing similar activities. Note from Ms Low: P2 B As for P2B, it has improved. For the competitors part, choose a event that has similar brand identity instead of choosing similar activities.


I have experienced on how to establish an event by solving problem statement through research. Although we spend some time in research, it has helped us a lot when we come to creating mood board for our design applications and executions. 

I have observed that, mood board is not only a tool to let audiences to understand and easier to visualize our overall applications but it also guide us throughout the design executions so that we would not go off track or go too far from our idea.

I found that project 2 is the biggest takeaway from the module, from my point of view. This is because I learned how to establish an event from doing the research and came out with ideas, then mood board. I have not learned about mood board that deep, because previously we were only using mood board to showcase our idea design and did not further explain or elaborate. This has helped me a lot through this module while executing the idea of my event.


Brand Aid : A Quick Reference Guide to Solving Your Branding Problems and Strengthening Your Market Position
by VanAuken, Brad

Brand management process: an overview
The brand management process starts with a deep understanding of consumers and competitors. You need to fully understand the consumer benefit structure by segment, including which benefits are cost of entry and which are differentiating. In-depth qualitative consumer research will help uncover this information. You will also need to know which benefits each of your competitors delivers in consumers’ minds. Ultimately, you will need to know which benefits are important, personally relevant, unique and differentiating, purchase motivating, and appropriate for your brand. You also need to know that consumer benefits can be functional, emotional, experiential, or self-expressive. Once you acquire all this knowledge, you can begin to design your brand.

Designing your brand
In brand positioning or design, there are five components to be addressed: 
1. Target Audience. Define the target customer. 
2. Brand Essence. Articulate the “heart and soul” of the brand. 
3. Brand Promise. Develop the relevant, differentiating benefits the brand promises to deliver to its target audience. 
4. Brand Archetype. Identify the driving motivation behind the brand. 
5. Brand Personality. Describe the brand as if it were a person. As you address these five components (especially brand promise) you need to define your brand’s competitive frame of reference and map out how it is positioned against competitors.


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