Publishing Design - Project 2

17/09/2019 - 15/10/2019 (Week 04 - Week 08)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Publishing Design - Project 2 : Book

This week we were lectured on font size, readability, special formatting, ligature when comes to choosing typography or designing a book.


PDF File 


Week 5 
This week Mr Vinod told us started trying the layout of our book from title to chapter 1. Below is my first attempt.
Figure 1. Layout attempt (cover - chapter 1)

Week 6
This week we printed out the layout we did for whole book and showed it to Mr Vinod. I was told that to add more elements and visuals as the book looks a bit empty.
Figure 2. Layout attempt 2

Figure 3. Layout attempt 3

Week 7
This week I have added on visuals and elements into my book. I have did some changes in the composition on the visual elements.

Figure 4. Book attempt 4 -1

Figure 5. Book attempt 4 -2

Figure 6. Book attempt 4 -3

Figure 7. Book attempt 4 -4

Figure 8. Book attempt 4 -5

Figure 9. Book attempt 4 -6

Figure 10. Book attempt 4 -7

Figure 11. Book attempt 4 -8

Figure 12. Book attempt 4 -9

Figure 13. Book attempt 4 -10

Figure 14. Book attempt 4 -11

Figure 15. Book attempt 4 -12

Figure 16. Book attempt 4 -13

Figure 17. Book attempt 4 -14
Type Specimen:

Heading: Optima Normal - 20pt
Body Text: Optima Normal - 10pt
Subtitle: Optima Bold - 13pt
Pull Quote: Optima Italic - 18pt

Below is my test print:

Figure 18. Test print  1

Figure 19. Test print  2

Figure 20. Test print  3

Figure 21. Test print  4

Figure 22. Test print  5

Figure 23. Test print  6

Figure 24. Test print  7

Figure 25. Test print  8

Figure 26. Test print  9

Figure 27. Test print  10

Figure 28. Test print  11

Figure 29. Test print  12

Figure 30. Test print  13

Figure 31. Test print  14

Figure 32. Test print  15

Figure 33. Test print  16

Week 8
This is my second test print of the book. We were told to print out the mock up and bring it to class on the following week.

Figure 34. Test print 2 - 1

Figure 35. Test print 2 - 2

Figure 36. Test print 2 - 3

Figure 37. Test print 2 - 4

Figure 38. Test print 2 - 5

Figure 39. Test print 2 - 6

Figure 40. Test print 2 - 7

Figure 41. Test print 2 - 8

Figure 42. Test print 2 - 9

Figure 43. Test print 2 - 10

Figure 44. Test print 2 - 11

Figure 43. Test print 2 - 12

Figure 44. Test print 2 - 13

Figure 45. Test print 2 - 14

Figure 46. Test print 2 - 15

Figure 47. Test print 2 - 16

Before the final book design was confirmed, I printed a colour print on actual paper. After letting Mr Vinod to see the book, I have made some changes in some designs.


Figure 48. Final book cover

Figure 50. Best spread 1

Figure 51. Best spread 2

Figure 52. Best spread 3

Figure 53. Best spread 4

Figure 54. Best spread 5

Figure 55. Best spread 6

Figure 56. Best spread 7

Figure 57. Best spread 8
Figure 58. Best spread 9

Figure 59. Final book 10

Figure 60. Final book back cover

PDF embedded

Figure 61. Final printed book 18

Figure 62. Final printed book 19

Figure 63. Final printed book 20

Figure 64. Final printed book 21

Figure 65. Final printed book 22

Figure 66. Final printed book 23

Figure 67. Final printed book 24

Figure 68. Final printed book 25

Figure 69. Final printed book 26

Figure 70. Final printed book 27

Figure 71. Final printed book 28

Figure 72. Final printed book 29

Figure 73. Final printed book 30

Figure 74. Final printed book 31

Figure 75. Final printed book 32

Figure 76. Final printed book 33

Figure 77. Final printed book 34


Week 5
We were told that this week we were to focus on the layouts and fonts. We were also told to look more references for layout ideas.

Week 6
Mr Vinod asked me to look for references for the layout so that it will be more easier. Furthermore, Mr Vinod said it is quite interesting to see paragraph coming from the bottom. I was also suggested to use one font for my book. The title font is too big and I was told to emphasize some text or importance info for the publication part.

Week 7
Mr Vinod suggested me to add more visuals instead of just enlarging the visuals because it might look a bit empty. He said I can add more elements to some certain page. Furthermore, he also advised me to not separate the text which is under the same paragraph into 2 pages, let the paragraph of text fill up the page until it has to continue to another page. Moreover, I was told that not to count the page before I decided the layout how to be designed, page number can decide afterwards.

Week 8
Mr. Vinod suggested me to decrease the size of the page number below so it might not look awkward as I have some pages with large visual on it. After that, Mr. Vinod said I have to work on the kerning of some paragraphs. Mr. Vinod also said that the pages are printed too thick and for title page and introduction page I was suggested to use white or black for the font. So that the font will not have the several layers issue after printed.


I have experienced that trying different layout in Indesign to find a layout that can show my content clearly and related to the book theme and the meaning of the content.

I have observed that a layout will change how a book directly deliver the message to the reader. Layout could be a tool or a design that helps to pull the reader's full attention and interests to whether continue read the book.

I found that, to a clean and creative layout design with visual compositions are one of the keys to catch reader's interests to continue reading the book.


Layout Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Using Grids by Tondreau, Beth

When it comes to working on proportion in single column
"Keep proportions in mind, even for the page foot, and leave plenty of space for your page number."

The Golden Ratio
Designers often work by eye and instinct to deter-mine the most handsome proportions. They then fi nd that other people working in the realm of space and planning have similar approaches, using similar proportions and ratios. The golden ratio has been used in art and architecture for thousands of years. Also called the golden section, the golden ratio describes a ratio of elements, such as height to width. The ratio is approximately 0.618. In other words, the smaller segment (for example, the width) is to the larger segment (the height) as the larger segment is to the sum of both segments. So, a designer could have a measure that is 22 picas wide with a height of 35 picas 6 points. Most designers don’t consciously use or even talk about the golden ratio, but it’s discussed in many design books, so it’s worth learning for your first cocktail party.


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