Publishing Design - Exercise

27/08/2019 - 09/10/2019 (Week 01 - Week 07)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Publishing Design - Exercise

In this week 2, Mr Vinod taught us about format. During the lecture, we have observed how were historical formats worked in different regions. By looking at different medium used in the past, we learned that how people in the old days bind pages and books in many ways. Furthermore, the people have tried out so many mediums to preserve the history of their culture.

Last week, we have learned about variety of medium used back in the ancient days. This week we got to learn the history of print. It was very interesting to see how different regions print books according to their language writing system.

In week 4, we were lectured about grid. We have learned that how grid can make a context look neat, eye pleasuring and consistent.

Today, we learned about Typography Redux. This lecture is about learning how to choose typography wisely as it affected the legibility and readability of the content.


MIB Embedded


Week 2 - Mock-up Making
In this week, we were given our first exercise which was finding a measurement between A5 and A4 for our book. Afterwards, we made our mock-up according to the size we have measure with several blank pages and bind them together with stapler. In final, we have to trim off sides of all the uneven papers. The size I used for my book is 158 mm x 230 mm.

Week 3 - Signature Folding Systems (8 + 8 = 16)
In this week, we were taught about the printing system used in the industries, so that it might help us to understand how we design our book and print it afterwards. It has 16 pages in total, 8 pages on each side of the paper in one print. The pages were rotated in different directions.

Figure 3. Signature Folding Systems 8 +8 = 16 (front view)

Figure 4. Signature Folding System - Binding (Middle page view)
Figure 5. Signature Folding System - Binded (Side view)

Week 4 - Classical Grid Structure
In this week, we were told to print out some pages from the books in the library. I have printed some pages that I found them quite interesting in the composition. After that, we were told to use ruler to draw out the grid system used in the certain pages we have printed earlier. Here are the works we have done in class:

Figure 6. grid exercise 1

Figure 7. grid exercise 2

Figure 8. grid exercise 3

Figure 9. grid exercise 4


Week 2
Mr Vinod suggested me to try use photography as my visual and he asked me highlight the part that I wanted to visualize.

Week 3
I have shown Mr Vinod 2 types of styles I have chosen to my new topic/content. He said line art is too abstract to express/define K beauty, he said that one has to be drawn out.

Week 4
Mr Vinod said that we have to finish our visuals by next week so that we can start doing layout for our book. Specific feedback: No comment on the visuals but Mr Vinod told me to finish all the visuals by next week and he ensured me that I can finish it on time since I am drawing my own illustration.

Week 5
This week we were told to focus on the layouts and fonts. We were also told to look more references for layout ideas.


From the exercises and lectures given in class so far, I have experienced that how to correctly measure a book size, the way of how industries print, how grid works in context and printing medium.

I have observed that designing a book and printing a book layout and formatting need to be very consistent and well thought of, before carry forward to the next task. This is because layout, measurements would highly affected the book itself, while presenting in front of a reader, no matter interesting the content is.

I found that layout and measurements of the book has be well designed not only for having a nice book, it also have to think of our target audiences and the concept of the book. Furthermore, before deciding which layout or measurement to be used, look for as many references as we can. So that, we might come more creative and interesting ideas.



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