Advanced Interactive Design - Exercise

Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)
Advanced Interactive Design - Exercises

EXERCISE 1 - Microinteraction Exercise
In our first exercise, we were told to animate an interactive design of webpage. This is a music app looks on a website.

exe 1. microinteractive exercise

EXERCISE 2 - Interface Exercise
In exercise 2, we were tasked to create an interactive design of phone app. Below are my progress.

exe2. progress 1

exe2. progress 2

exe 2. progress 3

*File submitted on Google classroom.
There are issues occurred in the file.


I have experienced how to make gif, mov, and animate stuff in Adobe Animate. It was hard at the beginning because the coding is a computer language. It was fine after trying out few times in class.

I have observed that whenever we are trying to create projects like coding in Adobe Animate, we must keep a file copied, at least. In the class, many of us have different kind of technical issues but luckily Mr. Lun helped us solved individually.

I found that throughout the exercises I am quite interested in Adobe Animate. Although it might need some patience to figure it out the issues, I found myself more patient then I was drawing digitally in Adobe Illustrator.


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