Packaging and Merchandising Design - Project 2

08/05/2019 - 14/06/2019 (Week 6 - Week 11)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Packaging and Merchandising Design - Project 2


This week, one of the groups from our course mates presented on packaging and branding.




Project 2, we were assigned to choose a local (Malaysia) traditional game and make a design for it. The traditional game I have chosen is Xiang Qi, also knonw as Chinese chess. I thought that, the packaging outcome might clash because having two different culture design in a packaging. Thus, I though, maybe I can use patterns to merge these two cultures as Malaysian batik is one of the representative of local culture and Chinese also like to use flower prints to represent their culture. Thus, I have looked into the patterns of each culture. 

Image result for chinese chess
Xiang Qi / Chinese chess

Batik 1

Batik 2

Batik 3

I have chosen this batik pattern into my design because first, the flower is obviously presenting the local Malaysian culture. Secondly, the colour of the batik, which is yellow and red, are very strong and these two colours are the iconic colours of Chinese culture.

Batik 4
packaging - dieline

Packaging (front)

Packaging (back)
Final Outcome

Final outcome (packaging and sticker)


Feedback 1: Add the culture of Malaysia or show that this product is made from Malaysia.


I have experienced how to apply Chinese culture with Malaysia culture on packaging.

This was a tough project as I have never seen having two different culture applying on a packaging. I did some research and I observed a lot of creative packaging design that can strongly show the culture.

Although this was a tough project, I have found that when applying two cultures onto a packaging design, colour is very important, by merging or harmonizing two cultures together.


Five Trends in Packaging Design by Margot Boyer-Dry

This article has talked about the five trends of packaging running across the consumer categories in the year of 2019.
1. The sustainability trend
  •   using more environmetally friendly materials in the packaging
  •   using reusable packaging 
  •   consumers and brands are doubling down efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle.

2. The minimalism-plus trend 
  •   not a must to be a white packaging
  •   can be colourful but basic 

3. The maximalism trend
  •   incorporating as many frills, flourishes and clashing patterns in the design 
  •   to evoke a sense of personality
  •   easily to be remeber as they stand out 

4. Speaking of memory : The nostalgia trend 
  •   packaging romanticizes moments in the past
  •   vintage aesthethic 

5. The tactile design trend
  •   incorporates wonky shapes and textures to look playful 
  •   with the interesting textures and shapes, it makes the whole experience memorable 


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