Packaging and Merchandising Design - Project 1

15/04/2019 - 13/05/2019 (Week 3 - Week 7)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Packaging and Merchandising Design - Project 1


This week we have two lectures.
Packaging and Merchandising design (boxes type and boxes styles):

Below is the presentation from our group. We presenting on types of packaging and materials.


This week we were lectured on colours in packaging design.


This week we got to learn about the typography used in packaging design.


This week we got to learn about image and imagery in packaging design.




The book I have chosen is about nutrition knowledge common people can learn. Thus, I have taken the green colour from the book and the golden colour to be my colour scheme which can represent better in nutrition and health. I have sketched some ideas. My initial idea was to go minimalist and "green" looking. However, I was advised that it might look a bit too boring. So, I was thinking maybe I can try to add some illustration. I was struggling when thinking what to illustrate. The first thought of "green" and nutrition concept, my mind only kept thinking plants. I started to look at other people illustration, keep on searching until I got my idea.

Finally I have the idea of what to illustrate. Looking at my final outcome, I have illustrated a young lady surrounded with plants and with the expression of comfort. I chose to illustrate this because I wanted to use expression to deliver the feeling being healthy, just like I saw book covers in the store, many of them use plants or foods or some of them use human figure posture to deliver the content of the book. To enhance and clarify the idea I wanted to deliver, I have added some plants around the young lady.

Book chosen

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3
Sketch 4

Book cover

Illustration for the book and bookmark

Attempts of bookmarks

Final outcome of bookmark and stickers

Final paper bag
book cover / bookmark / stickers


Book cover

Book cover sticker and bookmark sticker

Bookmark cover (Bottom)

Book cover and bookmark with cover)

Paper bag (with sticker and string)

Paper bag (Bottom)

Paper bag (Inside)

Final Outcome


Feedback 1: The content with the initial idea of the book is a bit boring maybe can try to add some illustration.
Feedback 2: I was suggested to add sticker to the book cover.


In project 1, I have experienced how to make a book cover and bookmark regarding to the content of the book. I had measured the packaging wrongly so I reprinted it.

I observed how to theme up book cover, bookmark and packaging. It looks more pleasing and reasonable when all of them put together.

I found that consistency visual element in design is very important when delivering the message of the book content to your consumers or targeted customers. Furthermore, I also found that layout a design to print is very important. This will affect the measurement when u print it.


What Are the Most Important Elements of Visual Merchandising by B Displayed

Visual merchandising plays an significant role in enhancing company revenues and the significant aspects of it are discussed in this article. It's easy to implement, the author says, and it won't cost much. Strong visual merchandising could also have a enormous effect on the experience of customers.

Firstly, color is essential as it can create or break a promotional appearance in visual displays. A retailer may generate an erratic display, but the display can still be a success if the colors coordinate well. Consider using contrasting shades, like black and white and monochromatic colors to create intriguing and eye-catching displays. In addition, by avoiding too much data on one visual display, generate a focal point. Categorize objects and generate a focal point or hotspot. Also, look at the display from the point of perspective of the customer. Other than that, making clients feel unique is essential. This could be accomplished by using strong, sales-enabling signage to show the benefits of purchasing the item. The client will have a better knowledge of the item by saying a tale and allowing the purchase decision. Finally, expose the highest quantity of merchandise to clients. The more clients see the products, the more they purchase. Hence, have as many displays as necessary so that clients can view each of the specialties.


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