Packaging and Merchandising Design - Exercises

01/04/2019 - 13/05/2019 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Packaging and Merchandising Design - Exercise


This week, we were briefed about the module. After that we were have done some research and discussion on the importance of packaging.

The five main purpose of packaging are: protect, communication (information brand), marketing, sustainability (environment, recycle, reuse) and convenience.


This week, we have done some research on considerations before designing a packaging. Then, each of us write out the consideration on the white board.

Considerations before designing a packaging:

1. Make the packaging practical
2. Know your target audience
3. Keep production in mind
4. Packaging sustainability
5. Think about the visual elements
6. Materials used
7. Distribution and storage
8. Product should inspire the design package
9. Consider the colours and fonts
10. Pricing and cost saving
11. Contents and message to deliver to consumer
12. Important information and labels
13. Know what the product is
14. Create a bran identity
15. Stacking and transportation
16. Location of point of dale
17. Right language
18. Thickness of package
19. Grabbing consumer's attention
20. Typography
21. Quality and functionality
22. How to make the product interesting
23. Measurements and size of the package
24. Marketing strategy
25. Recycle ability
26. Safety of the packaging


This week we have two lectures.
Packaging and Merchandising design (boxes type and boxes styles):

Below is the presentation from our group. We presenting on types of packaging and materials.

LECTURE 6This week we were lectured on colours in packaging design.


This week we got to learn about the typography used in packaging design.


This week we got to learn about image and imagery in packaging design.




Exercise 1 - Box making/Dieline Exercise

Exercise 2 - Thermal Forming


Feedback 1: Consider how to add perceived value to the packaging. The first idea of the sketch could have consider on how to hang this product. Also, I was also suggested to cut off the front part of the packaging to show the brand and quality of the product to consumers.
Feedback 2: The packaging is too much and there is a lot of parts falling off easily.
Feedback 3: Although I have accidentally cut off the flaps, overall is fine. Do keep in mind that next time when designing a box that have a cover or boxes like this, just leave around 1 mm space.

Feedback 1: We are suggested to use a thicker plastic to do thermal forming.
Feedback 2: The outcome is nice. Try to add a background and use the flaps to hold it.


Through these exercise I have experienced how to use AI to design packaging layout. Moreover, I have a great experience in thermal forming workshop. It was very fun and I have never done this before.

I have observed that how to use create a packaging. With the help of our course mates and Mr Shamsul, I have starting to learned more about packaging. As for thermal forming, I have observed that, any product that is with rounded cylinder or circular side, we cannot make the plastic to tighten to it as the product could stuck inside.

I found that I have learned how to use AI to create packaging layout and also learned how to do thermal forming.


The importance of Packaging Design - How it affects your brand story By Mark Beebe

It is essential to use the brand's visual components in package design. How it appears on the shelf can say more about what the item is for customers. There are therefore certain elements that the developer must take into account when designing a package. First of all, targeting the crowd. Moreover, package design should represent the product's experience. In addition, creating a design that is aesthetically pleasing. Consumers are said to tend to judge books by their covers, when they see that a brand has made an effort to produce a visually pleasing package, they believe that this reflects the brand's effort to produce a high-quality product. The package design must therefore have an enormous effect on the identity of the brand and vice versa. It should assist spread brand awareness, target the public, and talk to the brand's personality.


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