Advanced Typography (R) - Project 1

07/05/2018 - 21/05/2018 (Week 6 - Week 8)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Advanced Typography - Project 1: Key Artwork



PDF File 


In project 1, we were to create a key artwork for the Troublemakers Manifesto. After that, the key artwork has to be applied onto a poster and 2 collateral items.

Initial thought and idea:
After getting this concept of troublemakers, the first thing that comes to my mind is someone who is rebellious and wanted to make a change. Thus, I chose a human figure to show wildness.

Second idea:
I used hammer to show that these troublemakers just like a hammer, they wanted to break the rules and do something they have never done before and wanted to make it a change.

Third idea:
After getting feedback from the lecturers, I heard that the lecturers said one of our course mates uses colour to show change which I can get the reference from. I started to do research and I found that the meaning of why people use a lot of eagle as an icon to a leadership club.

Eagle is an icon and the meaning of change. When an eagle get old, they have difficulty to fly and look for prey as they have heavy feathers that make them struggle to fly and the long bending beak also hard to let eagle catch their prey. Thus, if the eagle wanted to survive longer they will go up to a peak and knock their beak, pluck their feathers and pull out the nails.

Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Attempt 4

Attempt 5

Attempt 6

Attempt 7

Attempt 8

Attempt 9
Final outcome
Final idea: The blank face is representing like the normal people, the face on above is the infinity imaginations in this person mind. Creative people uses their creativity to help people so from the face expression has the sense of hope and happiness / enjoy. Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.

Project 1 / Key artwork - Final outcome in PDF


Feedback 1: Overall looks okay but the figure and the posture is not relate to the manifesto.
Feedback 2: People cannot very straightforward get the meaning behind the eagle, "change" and "troublemakers".
Feedback 3: The lines of the person is not working. Maybe thicker. The concept is weak but we have no time now.


In this project I experienced how to use different AI editing skills to create an artwork. Using these skills to apply my key artwork onto different collateral items and poster which I have to consider the measurement when creating this key artwork in AI.

I have learned to observed how to create a layout when comes to interplay the typeface and the image. I learned how to connect the relation between typeface and image to bring and layout it.

I found that this project has taught me how to think and observe to get ideas. Choosing colours to archive the concept and the idea of the artwork also very important.


Stop stealing Sheep & find out how type works (Second Edition) by Erik Spiekermann & E.M. Ginger

Type with a purpose:
  • Choosing typefaces for a design job is a very similar experience to packing your suitcase in a rush and you can't decide what to put into it.
  • Design is all about striking a balance between practicality and aesthetics.
  • The typographic equivalents are those typefaces that are comfortable to read.
  • "Loose fit" is actually a typesetting term describing letters that have a comfortable amount of space between them.
  • Most type is used for business communication of one sort or another, so it has to conform to written and unwritten rules of the corporate world.


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