Brand Corporate Identity - Project 1B

03/04/2019 - 08/05/2019 (Week 01 - Week 06)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Brand Corporate Identity - Project 1B (Scrapbook) 



In project 1b, students were task to do a scrapbook. Every week, we have to look for 20 logos to analyse and at the end of the day, we must have 100 logos analysed.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3


Week 2
Do consider looking at the brand history to place chosen logos in context. Comments are on visible aspects of logos but more holistic approach is needed to form a much better analysis of the selected logos.

Week 3
The research of the could be more on the values and how the logo linked to the value. Logo analysis is better to add personal opinions into it instead of looking at the visual aspect.

Week 5
The slides are good. Good as in giving enough analysis and the analysis did link to the research on the specific brand. No other feedback given.


I gain a very good experience through this project. I would not say I did very well but, I have started to know how to think when coming to critic or analyse a logo or a design, instead of what to think.

I observed that logo has so much details that very interesting and deep to study. After looking these logos and analyse it in detail, I am more understand why some certain brand's logo is designed in this colour or in this way. Before I learned this module, I would have still look at a logo on the visual and I thought that logo should be in the colour that "I like" or follow the "trend", just to name a few.

I found that I have very much improved in observing logos and expressing the opinion more to a designer perspective, compare to what I thought in the past. Very important, is that whenever I consult with Ms Lilian, I also learned the way how to express what I wanted to express. I was a person that have ideas but I am very bad at expressing my idea and giving opinions. Furthermore I found that this project has helped me a lot in creating my own logo. I know how to think when it comes to thinking of what elements my logo have and which colour should I choose and why would I chose this.


Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands by Budelmann, Kelvin, Wozniak, Curt, Kim, Yang

In this book, it start off by differentiating logos and brands. Logo is an image; the complementary elements and application decisions form a program; and the perception created by the picture and the program form the visual center of the brand.

Logo can be created by looking at shapes and patterns or texture surrounding us. It can be very effective to take shapes from a graphic.


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