Video and Sound Production - Final Project

16/11/2018 - 18/12/2018 (Week 12 - Week 17)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Video and Sound Production - Final Project


PDF File


Week 12
Crew List
Isaac Lee Zahradnik - Director, Sound Editor
Ng Jia Jin - Director of Photography 
Khaira Nadia - Sound Person, Sound Editor
Kitty Lai - Actress, Video Editor

Location: Studio, Taylor's University Underground Staff Parking

Week 13
In our final project, we have to make an ad (short video clip) to promote FASTJOB app. We presented our final proposal slides to our client.

PDF File

We started to film our scene where I have to say 'It's so easy' at the back of the video. We filmed this in the photography studio. On that day I was required to wear a formal look.

bts 1

bts 2

bts 3
The first part of the shooting has to be reshoot after we done our main part of the shooting.

bts 4
We all arrived at 8:30 pm to set up all the lighting and DOP has to adjust all the setting. The actor took the shot first as my part was at the back.

bts 5

bts 6
Our shooting was finally done at around 4 am.


Week 16
Finally, we came to the editing part! We all edit the videos separately by updating each other through google drive and email. Though I was the editor, we all edit together. I was in charge of the colour correction, Nadia was the sound editor. Isaac did the final touch-ups after getting feedback from Mr Martin.

Colour editing

Video editing

Sound Editing
Week 17
This is the final outcome on Youtube.

Final Outcome on Youtube


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