Advanced Typography - Project 2

08/10/2018 - 15/10/2018 (Week 7 - Week 9)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Advanced Typography - Project 2

This is week, our lecture was a presentation from one of group in our class. Their topic of the day is 'Type Design Methodology'. From the lecture, what I gained and understood is about how to research and create fonts. I type design methodology, there are 5 steps which are briefing, sketching, digitising, testing and, name and format. On the other hand, we were introduced to glyphs and the 8 special characters which are dashes, ellipsis, bullet, copyright and trademark, quotes, primes, degree and arithmetic symbols. After that, the group also introduced us on kerning, spacing between two letters, where these are very important when we are creating fonts. This is because it will affect the design of the font and also the readability and legibility.

Here is the PDF file of presentation slides.

This week is a group presentation from another group in our class. They were assigned to lecture on 'Typographic Perception and Organisation'. Basically, they explained how the reader's perception affected, such as form and content, gestalt psychology, layout and creating a visual hierarchy, by different typographic variables. Other than that, the examples in the slides are very well explained. What I learned from there is how to apply those techniques on media and it shows how to make good use of the space and the techniques to create a great visual art.

Here is the PDF File of presentation slides.


PDF File


After Mr Vinod briefing on project 2, I started to do exploration and tryouts on my own. In project 2, we were assigned to use the key artwork from the previous project (project 1) to create 3 collaterals: a poster, e-invite and the last one is left for us to decide what we want to do.

So basically, I started off by doing some random tryouts or attempts.

Attempt 1
This is my first tryout on the poster. I thought too much on how to apply typographic system in it without looking boring. But, I think that attempt one is too messy, and I should have not limited myself, since this is just only my first tryout.

Attempt 2

Attempt 3
I thought, the pose of the girl looks like a ballet. So my attempt 3 idea was, trying to add strings to make it more 'typosexual' and less boring.

Attempt 4
Mr Vinod recommended me to work more on attempt 3 and 4. For attempt 4, he said that the title of the exhibition is not shown clearly and well expressed in the poster. The rectangle boxes are better to be removed and resize the fonts as it might look too big on a A3 poster.

Attempt 5
Personally I think the layout of attempt 5 is quite boring and empty. I could have improved the space between the words and the key artwork.

Attempt 6

Mr Shamsul said the girl in the poster and the type look elegant. Attempt 6 however would look a bit cramped to the middle and too much space left out on the top. The side words and the key artwork are too pack for that poster width. He suggested not to put the word at the side, and the word at the bottom is not aligned well.

Outcome 1
Final outcome 1 was approved, but then Mr Vinod asked me to print it out on actual paper and there are a few small adjustments can be improved. The background is too dark and the grey font at the top has to go darker as it is hard to see. The alignment of the word at the bottom is aligned but technically is not in the middle.

I was stuck and do not know what to do because I tried many times adjusting the word to the middle, but then when you look from the far, it looks imbalance as the pose of the girl makes the poster more to the right.

Final Outcome

I chose black and white for my final look because this can better present the hierarchy of the type in my key artwork where it has already been done in the previous project.

Initially, I wanted to do badges but I think that it is better do somthing I can use now and what I need now. Since my sketchbook has come to the last page, I decided to make sketchbook as my collateral. I did on an A4-size sketchbook.

Sketchbook Progress 1

Sketchbook Progress 2

Sketchbook Progress 3

Sketchbook Progress 4

Sketchbook Progress 
 Here's my final outcome of the sketchbook!


Back cover



week 7: For general feedback, in project 2, we have to use the previous project to develop a poster. The poster has to include typographic system. For specific feedback, the outcome of project 1 is not typosexual enough. The words are too scattered and does not have to focus point where readers could not get what it is when they first saw it.
week 8: General feedback, Mr Vinod said we have to try figure it out our problems and do more attempts after getting the first feedback. We have to understand that the lecturers have to give feedback to everyone, so we have to be patient. Specific feedback, Mr Shamsul said the design look elegant for the 5th attempt and 6th attempt, the information is too much to the middle. Mr Shamsul said I have to work more on the 3rd or 4th artwork.
week 9: For specific feedback, the design looks interesting. Have to smooth the edge of the image, looks a bit edgy. The background of the poster can be lighter.


week 7: My key artwork is done so I was doing some tryouts for the poster.
week 8: I was doing my poster design like everyone in class.
week 9: This week, I was asked to print out the poster for a final check of the composition and the colour tone.

week 7: After trying out composing for the poster, I think the information I place makes the poster looked packed. I should not leave too much space for some certain part.
week 8: I observed that my artwork is too much focused on the typographic system so it makes it a bit too complicated.
week 9: I observed that after I printed out my poster, the colour tone and the final look is not expected so I made slightly changes of it.

week 7: I found that typographic systems sometimes can mix with more than one and the outcome might look great. I also found that, my atwork is more suitable in black and white instead of colours.
week 8: I found that typographic system makes a layout better but we also have to know the 'measurement' of putting systems in it. Too much of systems will make the artwork looks messy.
week 9: I found that, through this assignment, I got to learn types in different media and I really enjoyed doing my own poster and sketchbook. I believe all of us love it too.


THE FUNDAMENTALS OF TYPOGRAPHY by Ambrose, Gavin, Harris, Paul

Typography is only one design element used in combination with images, diagrams, photography and other graphics. Type forms part of a larger visual arrangement. The wide range of available types means that the type can be used to add a lot of texture to a design, as shown in the examples in this spread.

What is typograms?
A typograms refers to the deliberate use of typography to express an idea visually, but by incorporating something more than just the letters that constitute the word.


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