Video and Sound Production - Exercise

31/08/2018 - 16/11/2018 (Week 1 - Week 12)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Video and Sound Production - Exercise

Mr Martin briefed us on MIB and lectured us on some general knowledge in shooting, such as types of shots, angles, camera movement and etc. He also briefed us on our final project which we will be doing in group and present a video of PSA (Public Service Announcement). He gave us watch couple of selected great video from our seniors. After that he gave us an exercise. It was like practicing how to use Adobe Premium Pro to edit the basic things. (Below are the slides given in class and exercise 1 outcome.)

PDF File

This week we learned about the 3 act structures. After that, he consulted us on our final project, which is the VSP

ACT I : Beginning - Setup / introduction of a story
ACT II : Middle - Confrontation of a problem in the story
ACT III : End - Resolution of problems

PDF File

In ths lecture, L learned the progress of filming a video and also we got to understand the positions name and job for each position in a production team.

PDF File

Today, we were taught on Adobe Audition. After the first try of using the software, I think I have to buy a better headphone because the bass sound is not very clear. After that, Mr Martin briefed us project 2 and we also watched some videos for video act analyzing exercise.

Nature of sound 
  • the sound is actually a vibration if air molecules that stimulate our eardrums
  • production: sound source
  • prorogation: the wave the sound travel
  • perception: pitch, volume, loudness
  • affects the pitch of the sound
  • the shorter the wavelength, the louder the sound
  • important for balancing and controlling the loudness of the sound
Frequency (Hz)
  • the speed of the vibration
  • more frequency in one second, higher pitch
Perceived duration 
  • how do you tell the speed of the speec
  • the main kind of the sound
  • represents the varying level of sound wave over the time
  • a representative of sound in space
  • example:1. a person is near to the camera, sound loud
                   2. a person is far from the camera, sound soft    


Week 2
Today, we were given a task which is to edit a video filmed by our seniors. So, I followed the original video and do the trimming.

Week 4
Mr Martin said choosing 'Depression for my final project idea good. He also suggested choose a topic that we had experienced before. After that, we did an exercise on categorizing video into 3 acts. We were given 2 videos in this exercise.

3 Act Structure: Video analyzing form

After that, we did a shooting exercise with my partner Stephanie. We used DSLR to shoot 9 different angles, which are:
  1. Low Angle wide shot
  2. Low Angle MCU
  3. profile MS
  4. Close-Up shot
  5. Frontal MCU
  6. Over The Shoulder MCU shot
  7. Eye-Level MS
  8. Eye-Level MS
  9. Eye-Level Medium Wide Shot

Below are the outcomes of the 9 different shooting angles we did.

Low angle wide shot

Close-up shot

Over-the-shoulder MCU shot

Low angle MCU

Profile MS

Eye-level MS

Frontal MCU 

Eye-level medium wide shot

(I lost my all photograph due to laptop broke down and SD card is cleared, so all my photos are in the laptop. Thus, Stephanie and I reshot this exercise outside the campus.)

Week 6
Today, we got to learn about how to edit audio in Adobe Audition. After that we were given videos as a reference of how to create good story line.

Learning Audition (Sound editing)

Week 12
We were given an opportunity to learn how to record sound with a professional sound recorder. It was so fun learning group by group.

Learning how to record sounds 1

Learning how to record sounds 2

Trying out as a group 1

Trying out as a group 2


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