Video and Sound Production - Project 1

31/08/2018 - 05/09/2018 (Week 01 - Week 06)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Video and Sound Production - Project 1

Mr Martin briefed us on MIB and lectured us on some general knowledge in shooting, such as types of shots, angles, camera movement and etc. He also briefed us on our final project which we will be doing in group and present a video of PSA (Public Service Announcement). He gave us watch couple of selected great video from our seniors. After that he gave us an exercise. It was like practicing how to use Adobe Premium Pro to edit the basic things. (Below are the slides given in class and exercise 1 outcome.)

PDF File

This week we learned about the 3 act structures. After that, he consulted us on our final project, which is the VSP

ACT I : Beginning - Setup / introduction of a story
ACT II : Middle - Confrontation of a problem in the story
ACT III : End - Resolution of problems

PDF File

In ths lecture, L learned the progress of filming a video and also we got to understand the positions name and job for each position in a production team.

PDF File

Today, we were taught on Adobe Audition. After the first try of using the software, I think I have to buy a better headphone because the bass sound is not very clear. After that, Mr Martin briefed us project 2 and we also watched some videos for video act analyzing exercise.

Nature of sound 
  • the sound is actually a vibration if air molecules that stimulate our eardrums
  • production: sound source
  • prorogation: the wave the sound travel
  • perception: pitch, volume, loudness
  • affects the pitch of the sound
  • the shorter the wavelength, the louder the sound
  • important for balancing and controlling the loudness of the sound
Frequency (Hz)
  • the speed of the vibration
  • more frequency in one second, higher pitch
Perceived duration 
  • how do you tell the speed of the speec
  • the main kind of the sound
  • represents the varying level of sound wave over the time
  • a representative of sound in space
  • example:1. a person is near to the camera, sound loud
                   2. a person is far from the camera, sound soft    


PDF File


In project 1, we were assigned to do a proposal for our final project. Our final project is a PSA video. After proposing our idea, Mr Martin would group us together accoding to our topic we chose.

Why I chose 'Depression' 
I chose 'depression' as my topic. This is because I was facing depression last year where I was in Foundation in Design. I found out I was depressed after I am okay. I was very sad and feeling hopeless. Every day, I woke up feeling deadful and wished I could sleep for the whole day to forget my negative feelings. Luckily, at that time one of my friends accompany me and cheer me up. We talked through phones and I cried to her.

I did not know I was in depression - this is what I wanted to propose in my project. People around you may look happy. Sometimes, you would not know if they are truly happy. they could be facing difficulties and they really need someone to cheer them up. People living in big cities are more often to have a problem like this.

Sketch 1 / Story 1
Sketch 1 / Story 1
A is marrying to B, which is depression. But, in the video, it does not show B is depression directly, instead it shows man is marrying to a lady, just like a normal wedding. However, at the beginning, audience can see that the wedding does not too joyful as A shows a sad face.

Moving on, the next secene in house, A is doing all the household chores alone. A also eat by herself at home. This scene is aim to indicate that A actually is single and always hide in house, feeling sad and lifeless at home. As I had mentioned earlier, A is not marrying to a man, B is a representative of depression. After that, A suicide because of depression. In the scene where A stands at the balcony does not show A jumps down because I think it is better to leave a space for audience to imagine what will happen next.

In the last scene will show a funeral in a church. A few of people wearing black standing there. At this scene, it showed A has passed away. This is might be around 4 secs. Right after this, the last frame will shows a quote or a piece of advice to the audience. The advice would be something like concerning people around you before it is too late or help the people who are facing mental brokedown.

Act 1
- A (female) is marrying to B (male) in a church.
- A showed a sad face. She looks worried and helpless.

Act 2
- A is doing chores at home.
- A is having meal alone at home.
- A is walking towards the balcony and she looked down from the building. (a scene where it shows A standing there blankly)

 Act 3
- a scene of funeral in a church
- final frame: a quote or a piece of advice to people, about concern your friends or the people you know.

Sketch 2 / Story 2

Sketch 2 / Story 2
A and B were good friends. They always walked to school together. All the scene do not show the face of B, only showed hands and legs. This is because B is representing 'depression', which audience will realize at the end of the video. After that, at the scene where A and B are close to a gang of friends. In this part, it indicates the other friends are not concerned about A while A herself also did not realize herself was facing depression too. Because of not concerning about friends around themselves, A suicided in the end. The part when A screams and runs, she stopped at a place which is the part she suicide. I chose to put a black screen there because I wanted to leave a space for the audience to guess what will happen next, just like my story 1.

Act 1
- A and B are good friends. They walked to school every day.
- In school, they were also very close to a bunch of friends. Though they always hangout as a gang, A and B are the closest friends to each other.

Act 2
- One day, B is being very toxic to A. B keeps insulting A.
- A feeling sad and she cried alone.
- A is totally mental breakdown so A screams and runs. Then A came to a place, she stopped.
 Act 3
- Close up to A swollen eyes.
- Black frame.
- All the scene only shows A face.
- Reverse to the scene where A and B were good friends and they walked to school together but this time B is not in the frame.


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