Design Research Methodology

31/08/2018 - 29/11/2018 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Design Research Methodology

On the first day of this class, we had a brief on Design Research Methodology, the modules and what we will be doing throughout the semester. We were also asked to find out interest and come out with a research topic.

PDF File

This week, Ms Jinchi and Dr Hayati lectured us on the proposal of our research. After that, we were supposed to present our proposal in class but then there were some of us did not get to present.

PDF File

In this week, Dr Hayati gave a lecture about research method and how to select relevant articles for our critical reviews.

PDF File

This week, Dr Hayati and Ms Jinchi lectured us on 'Quantitative' and 'Qualitative' research. They explained that what are the differences between these 2 research methods. We are going to use these 2 methods to write our critical review and in our research later on.

What is Quantitative Reseach?
- is a structured way of collecting and analyzing data obtained from different sources. Quantitative research involves the use of computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results. It is conclusive in its purpose as it tries to quantify the problem and understand how prevalent it is by looking for projectable results to a larger population.

What is Qualitative Research?
- is designed to reveal a target audience's range of behavior and the perceptions that drive it with reference to specofoc topics or issues. It uses in-depth studies of small groups of people to guide and support the construction of hypotheses. The results of qualitative research are desciptive rather than predictive.

Below is an embedded PDF document of a guidance on how to write a critical review:

PDF File

No lecture for me, because I was absent.

Today is public holiday. We were told our class would go online as class replacement. We had to update our blog with the latest information and send Ms Jinchi the link through email. In the email, also send her bout my presentation plan in a brief paragraph.


PDF File


Week 2

This week is a presentation on our research proposal. However, some of us did not get to present. Thus, I emailed m proposal to Ms Jinchi.

Week 3
Problem Statement Clothing plays an important role in our human society. It is not for only protection and sanitation, but also shows our status and image. Dressing well is a sign of manners and one’s respect to the others (Tom Ford, 2013). A study from Princeton University has found that people make judgments on attractiveness, likability, and trustworthiness within a fraction of a second after seeing someone (Shane McSweeney, 2017). Appearance could affect one’s image and impressions. Thus, people mostly would not buy cloth that is over extreme. If so, despite of the expenses used in each fashion show and unbuyable from boutiques, why are fashion shows still fill with unwearable garments?
Every brand and every designer intends to sell. No brand could survive if it were only manufacturing unwearable clothes (Renault Petit, 2017). In addition, they have to spend for the materials. If so, why are fashion designers still creating pieces that unprofitable and unwearable?
Some designers could not afford a catwalk and are limited to a showroom (Renaud Petit, 2017). However, they still keep on designing garments that would not be sold in stores. In conclusion, this research will be looking into why fashion shows filled with unwearable garments in spite of the issues above, what people think of fashion trends compare to designers and also to investigate why people (models, celebrities) insist to wear those uncomfortable garments just to look trendy.
  • To investigate why fashion designers creating garments that people would not buy or wear on street
  • To know the difference thoughts of fashion between famous artists/fashion designers and citizens
  • To investigate why people (models, celebrities) insist to wear those uncomfortable garments just to look trendy

Week 4
I changed my topic as Ms Jinchi said my previous topic is not related to graphic. Below is the update of my slide and proposal.

Week 7
Due to my laptop has damaged. I have lost all my files and documents. Thus, I started to redo all the critical reviews. I have only submitted 7 critical reviews. The other 3 I have done it after the submission deadline. (I would upload the remaining 3 critical reviews if I am allowed to do so.)

PDF File (Critical Reviews)

Week 8
This is what I was working in class after the consultation. I changed my topic because the topic is more on education research. The topic should be deeper and related to design. After Ms Jinchi given me some topic references, I chose this as my topic.

Part a:
Research Topic
Traditional Food Packaging and Culture in Southeast Asia

Research Problem
Traditional food packaging represent and reflect the culture in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand).

Research Questions
How does traditional food packaging represent and reflect the culture in Southeast Asia?

Research Objectives
To study the representative and reflection between traditional food packaging and culture in Southeast Asia.

Week 9
Proposal updated.

Part a:
Research Topic
Traditional Food Packaging and Culture in Southeast Asia

Research Problem
Traditional food packaging represent and reflect the culture in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand).

Culture has deeply on every country. Southeast Asia countries has always been popular with their food culture.

Problem Statement
Food Packaging, is a necessity for every kind of food, where it is forms of preservation, transportation, identification, attraction and publishing of a brand (Trending Packaging, 2015). Food packaging is creatively used and beautifully design, not only to attract consumers. Southeast Asia traditional food packaging has played the role of cultural representative.

It was studied that the used of the essential oils of leaves to wrap food has revealed rich antioxidant content and antimicrobial benefits of the natural packaging method. In Southeast Asia, there are packaging made from natural materials, such as banana leaf. Banana leaf has been widely used in Malaysia to wrap food, such as: nasi lemak, otak-otak, lepat loi, kuih dadar (or known as kuih tayap).
Other than Malaysia, other countries in Southeast Asia used their native materials or ingredients.

In conclusion, every country has their own signature traditional food. To emphasize, Southeast Asia countries are famous on their food culture and this is one of the reasons that foreigners come for (food packaging). In this research, I would like to study how Traditional food packaging represent and reflect the culture in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand.

Research Questions
How does traditional food packaging represent and reflect the culture in Southeast Asia?

Research Objectives
To study the representative and reflection between traditional food packaging and culture in Southeast Asia.

Part b:
Research Method
Visual analysis (visualise pictures or try the food)
- Focus Group

I am going to use visual analysis for this research methodology. Before doing this research, I will study the culture and the geography behind the 3 chosen countries. After that, I will choose some photos to do visual analysis. I will also use questionnaire for my focus group. In focus group, I will be doing questioning and also bringing the actual food to the audiences instead of photos.

I chose visual analysis because every cultures has their own unique traditional food packaging that represent their lifestyle back in the old days. Focus group is one of the good ways to get more specific information from audiences. Due to the duration of this section, I might not able to find Vietnamese or Thai friends to focus group. I would only do focus group for 'Malaysia'.

Target Audience
Malaysian (focus group)

Questions (Focus Group)
1. Among these food, choose 1 to 3 that you think they are well-known as native food.
2. What do you understand about the culture of the Malaysia traditional food packaging? (base on the food I show them, analyse one by one)

*Ms Jinchi suggested:
Focus group - (video, note taking, bring actual food)
Questions can be just a few, go with flow.

Week 10
This week I researched on food packaging in Southeast Asia. I studied the food culture, history and geography of Southeast Asia, specifically Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.


Week 12
Absent. (Absence has been approved by Dr Hayati and Programme Director on week 11.)
Below is my first attempt on doing visual analysis.

PDF File - First attempt on visual analysis

Below is the responds I collected in focus group:
Please click the link to look at the whole document. I do not know why this is embedded so small in size.

Week 13
There is no class on this week. We were told to email blog links and presentation plan to Ms Jinchi.

Emailed to Ms Jinchi
What I emailed:
Presentation plan
For my presentation, I will talk about why I chose my topic and what I did/how I get through on my data collection (visual analysis and focus group), plus a short summary of the data outcome (short explanation on the knowledge I get from the data collection.
*While I explaining on the visual analysis, I would also attach the chosen photos from my data collection, and briefly talk about those photos.
(The photos around 6, 1 to 2 image(s) for each country.)
[Malaysia, Viet and Thai]

Week 15
This week is our final presentation. We were asked to compile our research and give a presentation within 5 to 10 mins. To keep it short and simple, below is the slides I did for the final presentation.

After the presentation, I was told that my visual analysis of Thai food packaging is wrong. So I did redo it. After that, we have to submit our blog link and final presentation slides on Google classroom to Ms Jinchi. Below is my compilation of my research.

Link to Final Compilation Slides


Week 2: We were told to send her our google slides link because some of us did not have the time to present our proposal.
Week 4: Research Topic should be related to Graphic Design. Ms Jinchi suggested that I can do research on the prints and patterns used in fashion then and now, if I wanted to use the topic related to fashion.
Week 7: Sentences structure is not correct. The sequence of the paragraphs should follow the sequence of the reference given on TIMes. For further guidance on writing a critical review, refer to the PDF document uploaded on TIMes.
Week 8: My topic is not deep enough and it is more to education research. Ms Jinchi has given some topic references for me to choose.
Week 9: My writing in problem statement has improved. Just have to change some content and add on more information in introducing the culture of the 3 countries.
Week 10: The question for focus group, should be relevant to the information I want to analyse and straight to the point.
Week 13: We were told to email Ms Jinchi our presentation plan and send her blog link.
Week 14: Final presentation will be postponed to week 15 and no class on week 14.
Week 15: Ms Hayati said, my visual analysis of Thai food packaging is wrong. After the presentation, we were told to send our final presentation slides to Google classroom by this following Friday and send our blog link.


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