Advanced Typography - Exercises

27/08/2018 - 24/09/2018 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Kitty Lai Yung Syn (0331933)

Advanced Typography - Exercises

After our long semester break, finally we were back in our Design Journey. So, in our first lecture of Advanced Typography, Mr Vinod gave us a very interesting task. He gave us around 10 min to do research on Typographic System and presented by groups. Ours topic is Dilatational System. Below is the slide on typographic systems.

PDF File

Today Mr Vinod gave us some feedback on our exercises. Some of us were asked to redo in class after the critic session. No lecture was given but we were briefed on our next exercises.


PDF File 


Week 1

Process 1 - (first attempt)

Process 2 - (second attempt)

PDF 1 - Exercise 1

PDF 2 - Exercise 1

These were my first attempt on designing layouts by different typographic systems and information given. This was our homework for week 1. There are 8 systems in total. Each system has to come with 2 different designs, so in total we have to 16 layouts. In the critic session, each of us was given feedback in class. He explained clearly and gave us ideas on how to create a good layout by using those systems. I was told that I was too focused on the shapes instead of the types. Therefore, the systems I delivered is not clear enough.

Week 2

Original Photo

Process 1 - Looking letters from the texture of the photo I taken

Process 2 

Process 3 - Rearrange the letters

I took a photograph of my drink and view in grids to look for letters. In this exercise, we were told to look for at least 5 letters / alphabets. So, after I found my letters, I rearranged them.

Process 4
After Mr Vinod giving feedback, I attempted the second time on the letters.

2nd attempt (process 1)
2nd attempt (process 2)

Final outcome of exercise 2

I added the characteristic from the original photograph which is the dots. I took the shape of the dots originally from the bubbles in the photograph.

Week 3

Original - my own photograph

Process 1 
Process 2

The girl in this photo named Reny, also a fresh graduate Graphic Designer. The reason I chose this photograph is because the first time we met was in a house meeting and her expression is what represent the era of that house meeting. The positive era are very strong and I really enjoyed having myself with them in that positive environment.

I started off using Photoshop to filter it to black and white instead of monotone. This is because I wanted to deliver memories and moments we spent together. Thus, The text I used is about the good memories and moments. After that I used different typeface (Source Code Variable) to emphasize "memories and moments" and made it highlighted as I think is the best way to show memories and moments in the past.

First Outcome of Exercise 3
After uploading the previous one, I noticed there is excess space at the word "and". Thus, I redid it and this is my final outcome. After consulted, I was told to work more on it .


Final Outcome of Exercise 3
For the final outcome, I used shadows and her features to create shapes and outline because I think that to show 'happy memories and happy moments, the shape of the mouth and the eyes are well presented the emotions of the photograph.


Week 1: I think the presentation today really challenged some of us and trained us in doing things fast and accurate. Our presentation is not good enough but we had experienced and learned a lot today.
Week 2: Mr Vinod gave us feedback o our exercises - Typographic System. For mine, I have to redo because I was too focused on the shapes. Generally, we have to know 3 things when we are doing typography: the design itself has to look good, make sure there is communication in ti (hierarchy, information) and abide by the system. Also, black is not recommended because black is like an endless depth so he recommended us use grey.
Week 5: For exercise 1, my problem is that the typographic systems I attempted to deliver is not clear but it is okay to continue to other exercises. For exercise 2, instead of looking letters from the photo I taken, I have to remain the characteristic of the photo in the letters. For exercise 3, the typefaces I used is fine but overall the artwork does not look artistic enough as compare to the examples he gave us. The photo and the types do not link well to each other.


Week 1:The class was getting more interesting because we were told that our batch is the first batch having this module. I think this is a great start for us since last semester majority of us restricted by the design and ideas from our seniors. We were also tasked on preparing a presentation in around 10 minutes and presented in groups.
Week 2: Mr Vinod gave critic to each of us on what we did. I like how he critic because in that way we had chance to look at others people work.
Week 5: We did a group presentation today. It was quite fun doing presentation in class even though I did not present well.

Week 1: I observed that our class are more lively than Typography class in semester 1.
Week 2: Our class was more active than before and everyone is jotting sown the notes and feedback given in class.
Week 5: I have observed that our presentation slides are not informative enough and is a bit boring.

Week 1: I found that typography is a deep knowledge. It is not just a word, a picture, dots and lines.
Week 2: I found some of the designs in our class are very well done, were good references, away from the examples I could find in the books.
Week 5: I found that I am very poor at communication of types. I should work more on that.



  • An important concept that helps designers enhance the communicative nature of their design is graphic resonance. Graphic resonance refers to the underlying tone of design. The designer sets the tone by utilising connotative elements in the design; that is, elements which evoke emotions or suggest associations with familiar experiences and memories.
  • Designers create information (also called infographics) to help readers quickly and easily visualise data. These graphics must quickly and concisely communicate utilitarian information to their audiences. The need to simplify information is especially relevant when creating information graphics, since readers are often likely to be rushed or even unreceptive to reading the information. 


  • Choose a text has recurring structure such as table of contents, a news aggregator or a calender of events. Analyze the structure of the content (main title, subtitles, time location, body text, and so on) and create a visual hierarchy that expressed this structure.
  • Good typography is heard, not seen sometimes. Visually impaired users employ automated screen readers that linearize websites into a continuous text that can be read aloud by a machine. Techniques for achieving successful linearization include avoiding layout tables; consistently using alt tags, image captions, and front of repeated navigation elements that enable users to go directly to the main content.


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